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Concord State Hospital

1842- Present

Concord, New Hampshire


New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane opened its doors on October 29, 1842 making it the seventh facility of its kind in the United States. Located on 121 acres of farm land in the town of Concord, New Hampshire. Favoring a detached pavilion plan the Bancroft building (which would give females a private accommodations) and the Twitched house (which gave more freedom to patients in the asylum) were built in 1882. They had under ground path ways connecting them to the main hospital. Six years later a training school for nurses was established at the hospital and is still in operation to this day. With the turn of the century approaching and the hospital gaining in popularity, the room for growth would also need to be increased. In 1917 the attitude for curing the mentally ill has changed from institutions to more home like environment. The Walker building was designed specifically for that change. With beautiful landscapes, lots of natural light, and huge porches for the patients to enjoy. Within a few years and increasing of female patients the Brown buildings was built in 1924. The attitudes again changed towards a more institutional environment. Ov er the years there were more buildings added to the complex like Hospital Residences, Tobey Building which housed Male patients,  Dolloff Building for geriatric patients, Medical Surgical Building, and the Anna Philbrook Center for children. New Hampshire State Hospital is today known as Concord State Hospital and is still open to this day.


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